TAPS can provide Independent consultancy services to Management, could be as advise on Process Automation projects in a wide scala of aspects, such as IACS Replacement projects, and on OT Cybersecurity projects, development and implementation of OT Cybersecurity parts, such as a SOC incl. next generation SIEM, Firewall Management System, CMDB implementation, etc. but also the justification and presentation to Senior Management.
TAPS can also provide consultancy services on Custody Transfer and Metering projects, skills and competencies or reviews.
Independent here means that the deliverables and services provided don’t have a bias to certain Vendors or products. The goal of TAPS is quality and not to sell products and often that is required at the start of Industrial projects.
Process Automation, also called Industrial Automation or Control & Automation is not a subject that stands by itself. It will need to be integrated into other workflows and processes. When there is oversight in what you can do with data, smartness can take your company to the next level of optimisation. TAPS has considerable experience with the integration of smartness and working with other disciplines to make this possible.
On request TAPS can provide a tailor made consultancy service, like the work mentioned below:
UzTransGaz SCADA project phase 2:
TAPS has been hired in 2020 by the World Bank for a project in Uzbekistan for UzTransGaz (UTG). The work consists of producing the Conceptual Design for the SCADA project managing the gas transportation using the entire pipeline system in the country (>13,000 km) and operating and maintaining more than 250 large Gas Compressors. The work was delayed and more complex since it was not possible to visit the country and the sites due to the Corona COVID-19 virus and the travel restrictions.
However, via teleconferencing with all parties involved, TAPS managed to collect all relevant information. Video conferencing and questionnaires were sent and returned and this information was used to have an idea about the present as-build situation in UTG and what are the wishes of UTG.
TAPS created a few deliverables that form the basis to further develop the Conceptual Design, such as a specific Operating Philosophy with a focus on the Process Automation side of the pipeline operators and a Best Practise how to contract an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor) and MAC (Main Automation Contractor) in major Projects. These documents have been tailor made for UzTransGaz, a Gas Transportation Company, but with minor efforts these document can be changed to fit any oil and gas company globally.
The Operating Philosophy contains 8 main objectives and 35 main operational requirements and the Best Practice is about several contract strategies to manage an EPC and MAC in large projects.
For a SCADA project of this size the MAC will do 95% of the work and the EPC 5%. Nevertheless End-Users often contract the project out to an EPC and the MAC is selected by the EPC as a sub-contractor. This is an old-way-of-working and there are better ways that allow a MAC to have a place at the project management table to share project issues, avoid duplication of efforts and perform better.
The Conceptual Design project phase has been successfully completed in Nov. 2020. In the final deliverables a structured approach was introduced, using standard modules and Typicals and not only the technical requirements are listed, also a road map to smartness and its integration in UTG is provided. The work also includes integration of other projects and a budget cost estimate with an accuracy -20% to + 30%. When the project is fully implemented it will make UTG one of the most comprehensive and modern gas transportation companies in the world.

Contact TAPS if you also have a need to receive this type of consultancy service, please see contact TAPS. When the work is not suitable for TAPS, a free advice can also be provided where to find this kind of expertise.
Specialties of TAPS:
- Management consultancy
- In depth knowledge of Measurement, Process Control & Automation
- Custody Transfer and Metering of oil and gas
- Process Automation Strategy
- Operations Philosophy
- Best Practices on Industrial Automation, contract strategies and the management of this
- Development of Conceptual Design of Process Automation projects
- Process Control IT-Security (OT Cybersecurity) general and with depth
- Development of Reference Architecture of Automation Systems
- Auditing, Accreditation of reviewers and reviews
- SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems) and SIF (Safety Instrumented Functions)
- Large and small project support
- Provide training of Process Automation and OT Cybersecurity (together with Magion)
- Provide any form of consultancy services in the area of Process Automation and OT Cybersecurity.